Mark Towill and Charlie Enright, co-founders of professional sailing team 55 South, believe in the importance of environmental sustainability and clean oceans, which they promote through the sailing industry and a large audience of sailing enthusiasts. While focusing on competitive racing towards their goal of entering the next Volvo Ocean Race, they also championed clean oceans and built awareness of the growing issue of marine debris.
55 South 11th Hour Racing

Sponsorship Highlights
- 55 South completed a comprehensive sustainability assessment of their 2014-15 Volvo Ocean Race campaign that served as the basis of a sustainability plan for 2017-18
- They spoke at the 2016 Green Sports Alliance Summit and newportFILM’s screening of A Plastic Ocean*
- Attended beach cleanups in their hometowns Newport, RI, Bristol, RI, Honolulu, HI, and regatta destinations around the world, including the International Coastal Cleanup
- Partnered with Ocean Conservancy to present on and provide collaborative support about marine debris, including initiatives such as Trash Free Seas and the International Coastal Cleanup

“After the last edition of the Volvo Ocean Race, both Mark and I were proud of many of our accomplishments but recognized improvements to be made and unfinished business to be settled. It will be a tough road back to the start line filled with training, racing, and fundraising. We named the team 55 South to provide us with a daily reminder of Cape Horn, how epic it is, and what it takes to get there. Getting there requires the support of our partners and sponsors, and I am excited to have 11th Hour Racing as our title sponsor for 2016. As first-hand witnesses of our planet’s marine debris epidemic, we feel we can bring value to an already amazing organization by spreading awareness and helping to source solutions. It was great to start a working relationship with 11th Hour during the Ocean Summit at the [Volvo Ocean Race] Newport Stopover, and Mark and I are excited to continue the relationship into the future. ”
Co-Founder & Skipper, Charlie Enright