11th Hour Racing Team Announces Water Footprint Implementation Partnership
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11th Hour Racing Team furthers sustainability goals with Water Footprint Implementation partnership.
Pulling out all the stops in our quest for a water-neutral campaign, we’re teaming up with Dutch organization, Water Footprint Implementation.
The Netherlands-based body will be helping to quantify and manage our direct and indirect water use until the end of The Ocean Race 2022-23. We’ll be working with them to track water usage, reduce consumption, and compensate for the unavoidable remaining footprint from our campaign.
A ‘water footprint’ isn’t simply the amount of water that comes out of a tap. Every product and service used takes water to make or provide – whether that’s materials for our boat build, our clothing, or the equipment taken onboard for each race. This is known as ‘embedded water’ and accounts for indirect water use. When products are traded across borders, there is also a ‘virtual water’ trade taking place. By monitoring our use of this finite resource, we can learn where the water is coming from and how it may be impacting these often distant regions, allowing conscious choices when purchasing goods.
To ensure accuracy in the data, our goal is to include embedded water consumption, as well as direct water consumption, in our overall footprint calculations.
To read the full story, visit 11thHourRacingTeam.org.
Header image credit: Amory Ross | 11th Hour Racing