How 11th Hour Racing Supports the Power of Ocean Literacy

Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the ocean’s surface? Imagine a future where knowing about the ocean is considered as important as knowing how to read and write. A future where people from different generations and academic paths are working together on innovative solutions to protect our blue planet.

At 11th Hour Racing, we believe true change begins with education, and it’s a lifelong journey that extends far beyond traditional learning environments. At the heart of our mission lies the vision of a world where every individual, regardless of background, feels a deep connection to the ocean and becomes inspired to take action. Our grant program places ocean literacy at the core of its work, supporting 19 nonprofit organizations’ unique initiatives focused on the topic.

Like people’s behaviors and learning methods, ocean literacy presents itself in many forms, from embedding STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education into sailing lessons to supporting the work of early-career journalists from countries most affected by climate change to leading science and conservation programs that empower students to pursue STEM careers.

Ocean literacy has the power to ignite a passion for science, inspiring students to explore exciting career paths they might not otherwise have known existed. Advancing these methods of teaching and literacy holds the potential for unprecedented innovations. 

By studying the ocean, we can begin to recognize the intricate connections between land and sea. But by fostering a deep understanding of marine ecosystems, their vulnerabilities, and the impact of human activities, our future leaders can make informed decisions that lead to more sustainable practices and a healthier future for our ocean and ourselves.

Let’s persist in questioning, sharing knowledge, and exploring our evolving oceanic environment. Because when the ocean thrives, we all thrive.

Here are some inspiring organizations leading the way in ocean education with support from 11th Hour Racing!

The Outlaw Ocean Project supports the work of early-career journalists from countries most affected by climate change.

Ocean Discovery Institute leads science and conservation programs that empower students to pursue STEM careers.

Community Boating Center Providence embeds STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education into sailing lessons.