11 New Grants to Inspire Solutions #ForTheOcean
As the climate crisis intensifies, so does its impact on ocean health. 11th Hour Racing’s grant program is driven by an innovative approach to inspiring solutions for the ocean. This spring, we supported 11 projects focused on ecosystem restoration and ocean literacy. Together we are working towards a future with cleaner, healthier waterways.
With the world focused on combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, 11th Hour Racing is dedicated to ensuring underserved students are not left behind and our partners are supported to continue protecting our waterways.
BLAKE (Auckland, New Zealand) supports five need-based scholarships for student participation to attend Blake’s week-long residential program for youth sailors to learn about the marine environment, climate change, marine and island biodiversity, harbor management, boat building, and yacht club sustainability.
Borderlands Restoration Network (Sonora, Mexico) partners with the indigenous Comcáac community and Mexico’s environmental protection agency to restore and protect 5,000 acres of mangroves and 2,500 acres of seagrass in the Gulf of California.
Chicago Maritime Arts Center (Chicago, IL) partners with 11th Hour Racing Ambassador Dave Rearick to build confidence and connection to the Chicago River for over 150 students through boat building, STEM, and rowing.
Community Boating Center New Bedford (New Bedford, MA) introduces underserved students to ecosystem restoration, aquaculture, sailing, and STEM career paths.
newportFILM (Newport, RI) screens documentary films that raise awareness of ocean and coastal threats or the impacts of climate change, followed by panel discussions with experts in the field, local groups addressing the issue, or the filmmakers.
Ocean Research & Conservation Association (Indian River Lagoon, FL) engages community members in local restoration and monitoring programs through its Center for Citizen Science Laboratory and the Living Shoreline Monitoring Citizen Science Project.
Rocking The Boat (Bronx, NY) engages students in long-term, experiential STEM education designed to develop the environmental awareness and aptitude of students throughout high school.
Sail Newport (Newport, RI) provides a 16-week in-school STEM sail education program offered to all Newport Public School 4th grade students reaching approximately 170 students during the 2020-21 academic year.
SoundWaters (Stamford, CT) provides a five-week Young Mariners Academy summer program focused on STEM sailing lessons and kelp and oyster farming for 70 local, underserved students.
Treasure Island Sailing Center (San Francisco, CA) continues its intensive, five-day STEM program to teach underserved students about their local watershed, marine debris, climate change, data analysis, water quality, and sailing on the San Francisco Bay.
Youth Sailing Foundation (Vero Beach, FL) provides on-water experiential education, including water quality and monitoring for underserved students.
Our next grant deadline is June 15, 2020. Click here to learn more about our grantmaking strategy.